Student Researchers' Society Topics

Student Researchers' Society Topics

In the study, we analyze various types of bandages, including antimicrobial and bioactive, to understand how they can facilitate wound healing. During the project, students will become familiar with the latest methods of wound treatment, as well as microbiological and biochemical testing techniques, which are crucial in developing effective wound management strategies.

In this biocompatibility research, we investigate the composition, structure, and biological activity of bioactive glasses, determining their role in osseointegration. During the research, participating students can learn the necessary laboratory techniques and material science methods, while gaining direct insight into the field of trauma surgery.

The project aims to explore and investigate the complications of hip fractures. We examine the rehabilitation processes, the frequency of relapses, and the effects on quality of life. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the most modern diagnostic and treatment techniques.



Co-supervisor: HAVASI, Marianna

An important aspect of preventing falls in the elderly is improving physical condition and balance. Our research aims to explore how hatha yoga can help to improve the physical condition of the elderly and reduce the risk of falling. Yoga, as a physical and mental practice, offers the opportunity to gain mastery over oneself, which according to Swami Veda can be our greatest achievement: 'Hatha yoga is mastery over the body. Everyone wants to conquer the external world, yet the greatest success in the world is overcoming oneself, and for the average person, this begins with mastery over the body.'

Co-supervisor: Dr. BÖRNER, Orsolya Mária

In the project, we investigate the training and learning process of a vision screening application, with special attention to how intuitive and user-friendly the application is, for healthcare professionals and laypeople. We assess the duration of the training period and user efficiency. During the study, the development of educational and supportive materials, as well as the evaluation of their effectiveness, will also play an important role.

Co-supervisor: Dr. MIKÓ-BARÁTH, Eszter

The disease burden of hip fractures on individuals and society is significant. The prevention of falls, and thus musculoskeletal injuries, is crucial. The role of age-related vision impairment as a cause of falls is proven in one-third of cases, yet mass ophthalmological screening is challenging to implement. In our research, we test the usability of a mobile device-based bedside vision screening system in both clinical and primary care settings.


Co-supervisor: Dr. CZIGER-NEMES, Vanda

The project aims to explore and analyze preventive strategies applicable in trauma surgery. During our research, we focus on evaluating the effectiveness of various preventative measures, including educational programs, organized screening tests, improvements in environmental safety, and the introduction of risk-reducing technologies.
